It Really Does Matter What is Black and What is White


In the world of SEO resellers, there are a few rules of thumb to follow. The first is to never, ever spam in order to promote a product or build an online reputation. There are a few reason for this but, most specifically, it is illegal according to most of the major search engine ranking systems out there. This spamming method is known today as Black Hat SEO marketing. Black Hat simply is a code word for illegal, unacceptable, or intrusive. The more preferred method used by SEO resellers is White Label SEO. White Label refers to, as you might have guessed, the commonly used and widely accepted methods of advertising on the internet.

white Label can fall into a few different categories. Pay Per Click methods have to do with SEO resellers charging clients each time their website is clicked in exchange for building, and increasing, their online reputation and visibility. The most beneficial White Label method is the organic advertising method where research based articles, social media content, and various media content is used to promote a product or company by creating engaging and interesting material for internet users to learn and, hopefully, explore things on their own.

White Label also has to do with the way the search engine ranking system prefers organic and unpaid links. Most internet users run at least one search a day and these same users also find the paid links, usually appearing directly on top of the search results in a different and inviting color, to be unreliable, untrustworthy, and suspicious. The stigma of paid links goes back to the Black Hat ways of spam and unsolicited messages that trick internet users into going to a product webpage or, worse yet, an unsecured site that only has the goal to invade a users computer with advertisement after advertisement.

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