Higher Google Rankings and Other Search Engine Rankings Can be Achieved by Businesses that Hire the Services of Search Engine Optimization Companies

Search engine rankings

In order for a business to achieve any level of success, it needs to gain exposure so that people become aware of it. Businesses that are known by many people can often attract new leads simply based on their popularity. Today, online marketing is one of the most effective means of attracting new leads to businesses. Google rankings play a major role in this, as many people discover new businesses all the time through the use of search engines. To achieve higher Google rankings and potentially see increases in web traffic and leads, businesses can hire search engine optimization companies.

At least once a day, 92 percent of American adults perform a search using a search engine. Since 2012, over 70 million people have been using cell phones and tablets to search for products online. Between 65 to 70 percent of the Internet search engine market share is received by Google. Search engine optimization, which is commonly referred to as SEO, is a marketing strategy designed to allow business websites to climb Google rankings in search results. One of the most effective SEO tools is the use of custom created content. Because search engine users have shown to prefer organic results, custom created content containing key words and phrases can allow a business website to achieve higher Google rankings that are more likely to be clicked by users. The ideal end result of SEO is that a business website will receive more web traffic and new leads because it is more easily found.

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